Below are links to various pages with photos of the Bible Lands. The photos have been resized to make them load faster. They are grouped by location and are preceded by the year of the trip. If you want high quality images suitable for classroom use, I heartily recommend the Pictorial Library of the Bible Lands by Todd Bolen at I purchased this set several years ago and use them often in my teaching along with my own personal photos. That is one purchase you will not regret.
(For those who are interested, the 98-99 photos were shot with a 35mm Canon Sureshot and scanned with Nikon Coolscan IV scanner, the 06-07 photos were shot with the Canon Powershot A710 IS (7.1 MP) digital camera.) The 2009 photos were taken with the same Canon A710 IS along with several by Corretta and her Canon SD770 IS (10 MP). A few of the photos by Allen, Glenda and Caleb Hughes were also added in. The 2010-11 photos were shot with a Canon SD 4500IS.